Settings ======== SORTER_DEFAULT_QUERY_NAME ------------------------- Default: ``'sort'`` The name of the querystring used by default when looking at the current request path or generating links and or forms. SORTER_ALLOWED_CRITERIA ----------------------- Default: ``{}`` A mapping of query names to order field names that are checked before ordering is applied. The given names support Unix shell-style wildcards and define those that are *allowed*, e.g. ``'author__*'``. .. warning:: If the setting is empty, **no fields** will be allowed which renders the template tags useless. Hence, it's an **configuration error** to not define this setting. An example, which would apply to sort links like ``'/path/?sort=created'`` and ``'/path/?sort_posts=modified,author__username'``. :: SORTER_ALLOWED_CRITERIA = { 'sort': ['created', 'title'], 'sort_posts': ['modified', 'author__*'], }